Is your mental selfie robbing your peace of mind?

Is your mental selfie robbing your peace of mind?

Is your mental selfie robbing your peace of mind?

A deep, unshakable peace of mind comes from knowing who you are and being OK with how you see yourself. The surest way to upset that peace of mind, and to be in a constant state of mental turmoil, is to base your self-image on what others think of you. Or what you think others think of you. It’s like living your life in a perpetual “selfie state,” seeing yourself through their lens. 

So if Mary is envious of your success, when you’re interacting with Mary you will feel like you are not worthy of that success. That you somehow cheated to get to where you are. 

If Morgan is a liar, when you’re with Morgan, you will feel that you can’t be trusted. 

If Sandy is super insecure, believing that she doesn’t measure up to others, when you are talking to Sandy, you will feel like you are somehow conceited and hurting Sandy’s feelings.  Read more